12498 Griffin Road, Southwest Ranches, FL 33330
Founders’ Trailside Park provides a greenway connecting the County’s C-11 and Flamingo Road trails to the Southwest Ranches comprehensive trail system. Serving as a buffer for residents from commercial activity, this small, passive, 4-acre space features a thriving native wetland, a landmark entrance feature, and a picnic pavilion providing a vista of open space in an area which is densely populated on three sides. Named in honor of Gary A Poliakoff, Southwest Ranches’ first Town Attorney, Founders’ Trailside park celebrates the grass roots independence and indomitable spirit of the residents who made the Town of Southwest Ranches a reality.
Users of the Greenway Trail system can enjoy a shady place to rest as well as a venue for viewing native wildlife and the striking public artwork mural panels created by artist Laura Warren. Both the art and the Founders’ Trailside Park, itself, echo our community values and provide a clear sense of identity, welcoming Town residents and visitors alike.
Native species and other plants adapted to South Florida were chosen to promote diversity, provide visual interest, attract wildlife, and tolerate periods of flood and drought.
No permit is required or provided for use of the picnic pavilion on site. Pedestrians and equestrians enter through the plaza at the east. Designated parking for the park is available behind the shopping plaza buildings.
For more information on Southwest Ranches parks, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions or contact Town Hall.