The Southwest Ranches parks are open from dawn to dusk every day of the year. Park hours may vary according to the season. Contact Town Hall for more information.
There is no charge for admission into the Southwest Ranches Parks. Entry fees may be charged for special events, if any held, in our parks. Contact Town Hall for more information.
Sunshine Ranches Equestrian Park and Country Estates Park both offer playgrounds. Stabilized grass fields are also available for miscellaneous play activities. Children must be attended at all times. Southwest Ranches Parks also offer Geocaching in various locations.
Pets are permitted in all areas subject to the following restrictions
- All pets must be confined, leashed, or otherwise under the physical control of a person at all times. Leashes may not exceed six feet in length
- Pets must be well behaved at all times. Pets may not be left unattended
- Pet owners shall pick up after their pets and properly dispose of all pet droppings
- Pets that are noisy, vicious, dangerous, disturbing or intimidating to other persons, and pets that damage park resources are considered to be nuisances and will not be permitted to remain in the park
- Owners of horses, dogs and other pets required by Florida Law to be vaccinated against rabies must be able to provide proof of vaccination upon demand of a Town official
- Domestic breeds of dogs, cats and all other pets, (except service animals) shall be excluded from playgrounds in Southwest Ranches Parks
Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the parks, except at the Rolling Oaks Park with an approved reservation and required insurance coverage.
At Sunshine Ranches Equestrian Park, trailer parking is available for vehicles ranging in length from 20 to 76 feet in the center of the paved area and also in the northwest section of the stabilized grass area. At the Country Estates Park, trailer spaces are also provided.
Fishing is permitted in Southwest Ranches Parks in specifically designated areas. Fishing is not allowed in the Sunshine Ranches Equestrian Park.
Volunteers and community partners are encouraged to provide additional support for our parks. You, your family or service organization may volunteer to participate by donating time, money or supplies. Contact us at to find out how you or your organization can help.
Southwest Ranches Parks offer accessible facilities. If you need information about specific facilities, please call or write to us.
Reservations are currently accepted for use of the shelters at Sunshine Ranches Equestrian Park and Country Estates Park. Riding rings in the Sunshine Ranches Equestrian Park may also be reserved. The Rolling Oaks Barn offers indoor meeting and event spaces available for rental. See the Policies and applications for rental facilities in Town parks.
There are no swimming facilities currently in Southwest Ranches Parks.

Please be advised that under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone at (954) 434-0008, or in writing at 13400 Griffin Road, Southwest Ranches, FL 33330.