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Code Compliance

Julio Medina

Code Compliance Director, JA Medina, LLC

13400 Griffin Road Southwest Ranches, FL 33330

(954) 434-1490

The Code Compliance Department enforces a broad range of land use ordinances to assure that a healthy, safe and attractive environment is maintained for the Towns residents. Code Compliance services are provided in response to citizen complaints, but work efforts also include educational components designed to promote compliance with adopted regulations. When necessary, compliance may be achieved through the Towns Code Compliance Special Magistrate who has the authority to levy a fine of up to $250.00 per day (more for repeat violations). Officers are here to Preserve Our Rural Lifestyle. At the direction of the Town Council, Code Compliance Services for the Town are on a reactive basis only. What this means is the Code Compliance Officers do not self initiate cases or proactively patrol the Town, unless a specific code section has been approved by the Council to be proactive or if the violation is a hazard and concern to the life, health, safety, and/or welfare of the community. Any person found to be in violation on a developed property is issued a courtesy correction notice, with a set number of days the person has to correct the violation without being issued a citation and summons to appear in front of the Special Magistrate. The Code Compliance Department strives to work with the residents and property owners, and assist with information that can help the property owner to voluntarily come into compliance, which is the primary goal of the Department. Should the property owner not agree with the violation as cited or not correct the violation within the time prescribed, they will be scheduled to appear at a Code Compliance Hearing and the Special Magistrate would render a decision on the violation and could issue an order specifying a final compliance date and any penalties that may be imposed.

Manfred Velette

Assistant Code Compliance Director

Concepcion Campos

Code Compliance Officer

Yirglhis Hernandez

Code Compliance Officer

Ismail Rashid

Code Compliance Officer

Please be advised that under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone at (954) 434-0008, or in writing at 13400 Griffin Road, Southwest Ranches, FL 33330.

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