- Records the official minutes of Town Council meetings
- Prepares the Town Council meeting agendas
- Processes, records, files and advertises ordinances, resolutions and notices
- Responsible for filling Public Records Requests
- Maintains custody of the official Town Seal
- Attests official documents and contracts
- Serves as the Town’s liaison with the Supervisor of Elections office; Serves as the Town Qualifying Officer for candidates running for election
- Prepares and maintains custody of all official Town records and files
- Prepares and maintains the record index system, oversees records management, retention and destruction in accordance with state regulations
- Coordinates all Town procurements and provides contract management services; Processes, records, files and advertises bids for municipal projects
- Maintains and updates the Town’s website; Uploads the Town Council agendas to the Town’s website for public review prior to the meeting
- Advertises, records, and files the municipal budget
- Supervises reception/front office management policy

Debra Ruesga
Town Clerk
13400 Griffin Road Southwest Ranches, FL 33330
(954) 434-1490
Debra Ruesga was appointed Town Clerk in December of 2023, after joining the Town as Deputy Town Clerk in January, 2020. She has been in public service since 2002, having previously worked for the City of Pembroke Pines as well as the City of Coral Springs.
The position of the municipal clerk is an important and exacting position in municipal government. Under both state law and local ordinances, the municipal clerk is entrusted with numerous and diverse duties.

Please be advised that under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone at (954) 434-0008, or in writing at 13400 Griffin Road, Southwest Ranches, FL 33330.